Monday, April 14, 2014

The Power of Positivity and L'Occitane Candle Review

We feel so blessed and our recent trip to California brought that feeling home even more powerfully. We have amazing friends, fun experiences & you can’t beat the never humid always spring time weather! I’m sure you have heard about the power of positivity and some may be skeptical and that’s fine we get it! But one thing that you can do without having to believe anything else is look for the amazing things in your life. By shifting your focus to the good things you have versus things you haven't attained. Everyone has something they want no matter how abundant you are. But focusing on the thing you don’t have will drive you crazy. We read a study about people who felt they were lucky and unlucky. They had them guess how many times a coin would land on heads or tails. Each group equally guessed right and wrong. Then the people were interviewed and the study found the only difference between the lucky people and unlucky people is the way they remembered things. The lucky people tended to talk about positive memories in their life. The unlucky people tended to focus on negative experiences in their life. Where do you fall in this spectrum?

We will be honest and say for a long time we would dwell in the negative experiences in our lives and let us tell you from experience that it was not a good way of being. And we considered ourselves positive people! How did we turn it around you may ask? Well here is one simple exercise that we started to practice.
One of our favorite things to do to remind ourselves how lucky we are is to light a candle of one of our favorite scents and think about the things we are most grateful for or the events in our day that made us feel abundant or think about ways we added value to the world. It can be small things like recycling or drinking out of a sustainable water bottle. You added value by taking care of the environment. Did you smile at someone that seemed sad or smile at someone in general?

L'Occitane, Neroli & Orchidee, Scent, Positive Thought, Gratitude, Candles, Positivity, Twin Vogue, Mary Scarpati, Katie Scarpati, Miami Bloggers, Fort Lauderdale Bloggers, South Florida Bloggers, South Florida, Miami, Fort Lauderdale

Why a candle you may wonder? Scent is one of the most powerful senses so even if you can’t be in a field of flowers or be in your childhood home and smell your mom baking you can evoke those happy memories with a lit candle. Our candle of the moment is the new L’Occitane candle Neroli & Orchidee. It reminds us of laying on plush grass surrounded by fragrant flowers with just enough scent to be picked up by the light breeze and brought to our nose. It has a spa quality scent to it so if you happy place is laying in a spa being pampered it can definitely evoke a memory of that. It could even be a memory of a significant other bringing you fresh cut flowers. And if you want to take that good feeling with you throughout the day it also comes in a fragrance! If you can’t tell we are kind of obsessed with it!

We post daily so please come again tomorrow!!
Twin Vogue

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